Truths About Being Single

It’s that time of year when you’re with all your family celebrating the holidays. It’s also the time when family & friends ask that infamous question: “So you’re still single??” I mean if I didn’t already know this, I sure do now! Holidays can be a time where we long for romance. If you are a single Christian reading this, I hope some of these truths give you some peace in this season of singleness.

Do you ever question what exactly God is doing with your life? What about why God has blessed your friends with the ONE thing you want? When you are single, life gets lonely, you get jealous, & you’re discontent. But, I’m here to tell you otherwise.

Be content.

I used to think that I couldn’t be content until I was married. That is SO wrong. I have found that I can be content in this season of singleness, & still want to (eventually) get married. Contentment is not a feeling; it’s a decision you make. Be determined to be satisfied with what God has given you right now. By being content today, you will be more equipped for anything life throws your way. Trust me.

You are loved.

Who likes C.S. Lewis? I sure do, & boy does he have some wisdom to share with us! He tells us in his book, The Problem of Pain, that “You asked for a loving God: you have One…The consuming fire Himself, the Love that made the worlds, persistent as the artist’s love for his work & despotic as a man’s love for a dog, provident & venerable as a father’s love for a child, jealous, inexorable…How this should be, I do not know: it passes reason to explain why any creatures…should have a value so prodigious in their Creator’s eyes.” Wow – God really really loves us!! 🙂

One thing that I have learned in this season of singleness is that I need to be doing EVERYTHING I can to be who God created me to be. Of course, I will never get there because I am not perfect. There will always be more I can do to be like Christ, but by doing this, when the time comes for me to become one with my husband, I will be the type of person I wanted to find in a husband. It’s been pretty amazing focusing my all on God instead of focusing on an earthly suitor.

This is where God wants you.

This one’s easy. God has instructed us to follow Him, but we’re not asked to WORRY about it. So, if you are obeying God & following Him, you don’t need to stress about whether or not you have missed His will for your life.

Don’t be embarrassed!

This is a big one. Sometimes singles feel a sense of shame about not being in a relationship/married. I’m here to tell you: don’t feel awkward for not being attached to someone else. Live your life & be HAPPY!

So, when you’re gathered around the house this holiday season chatting with family & friends, focus on them. Have a heart filled with love for your family & friends, & stop fretting about the questions they might ask you.


Don’t dwell on what you don’t have; focus on what you DO have. Think about everything God has given you & reaffirm your trust in a sovereign God who PASSIONATELY LOVES YOU!



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